Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Direct student loan consolidation

Direct student loan consolidation

Student loans are two-edged swords. Without them, you couldn’t pay for that degree you worked so hard for. On the other hand, without them, you might actually get to keep the amount you pay out every month for yourself. You might get to pay your other bills on time, afford a more reliable car, or find a better place to live.

If repaying your student loans is challenging your budget, or worse, putting your finances – and credit rating – in the red, you might want to think about a direct student loan consolidation.

With a direct student loan consolidation, you exchange your outstanding student loans with their higher interest rates for one loan with a more manageable, fixed interest rate.

A direct student loan consolidation may be the answer to more than one problem. If you have struggled to meet your monthly payments and in fact have used every option for deferment or forbearance your current loans offer, or find yourself about to default on your loan, a direct student loan consolidation can mean a fresh start. A new loan is often a clean slate. 

Not only do deferment and forbearance options become available in case of need again, but often direct student loan consolidation gives you a much lower interest rate – as much as 0.6 percentage points – thereby lowering your monthly payments. And when you consolidate those student loans under a new loan, those loans show up on your credit report as paid off, and your credit score benefits.

There are four plans for repaying a direct student loan consolidation that you many want to investigate as you consider which is best for your needs.

The first plan is a Standard Repayment Plan and gives you a fixed monthly payment for up to 10 years. The Extended Repayment Plan also sets fixed monthly payments, but the repayment period is set between 12 and 30 years, according to the total amount you borrow. In this plan your payments are lower because they are spread across a long period of time. Keep in mind, however, that making payments over longer periods of time means you will end up paying out a larger total amount.

The third option is the Graduated Repayment Plan. This is another direct student loan consolidation plan with a repayment period between 12 and 30 years, only in this plan the amount of your monthly payment will increase every two years.

Finally, if you have a job and family, the Income Contingent Repayment Plan may be what you’re looking for. This plan sets a monthly payment based on your annual gross income, family size, and total direct student loan debt, and spreads those payments over a period of 25 years.

While direct student loan consolidation may be the best way to get on top of student loans for some, if you are close to paying off your existing loans, it may not be worth it in the long run to consolidate or extend your payments.

However, if you are still seeing loan payments coming out of your pocket well into the future, consider the direct student loan consolidation seriously. If you consolidate your loans while you are still in school, you may qualify for a 6-month grace period before repayment begins. You may find you will be able to keep any subsidies on your old loans.

Lower your monthly payments, improve your credit rating, gain control of your loans, and give yourself peace of mind about the future with a direct student loan consolidation.

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Student Debt Loan : Student loan consolidation rates

Student loan consolidation rates

Student loan consolidation rates are competitive and can be lend through government or private lender. There are many options available for a student to select the best provider of student loan consolidation, you can search for a lender online and can check their interest rates. In student loan consolidation interest rates plays a great role. Today in the market, thousands of lenders are lending loans to student but when it comes to their interest rates, they are charging very high which is unaffordable by a student.
Consolidating loans and getting good student loan consolidation rates can help a student shift into responsible bill paying consumer. A student can take a leave from paying monthly on student loans. In student loans, a student has to pay interest every month and for their monthly bills, he has to pay separately but in student loan consolidation, a student has to pay only one payment.
It is uncommon for a borrower to get a fixed interest rate that is up to 0.6% lower than their current rates. According to federal regulations, calculating the Student Debt Loan interest rate on a consolidated loan disbursed on or after July 1, 1994 involves the weighted average of the interest rates of the old school loans you are consolidating under the new one, rounded up to the nearest one-eight of one percent. Fixed interest rates on a consolidated loan cannot exceed 8.25 percent.
in Student Debt Loan It is researched that Americans are the first one in the row of taking the advantages of student loan consolidation rates. 
Now a days thousands of student getting advantage of applying for student loan consolidation as it not only allows you to study well but give you the options of shopping also. Consolidations are one way of getting control over spending and effectively planning a budget. For a best student loan consolidation rates you can surf on net and can be able to find lenders who are proposing affordable payment plans. They give best advices to the students to choose the best student loan consolidation in low rates.
Thinking about the student loan consolidation is very easy, when it comes on the student loan consolidation rates, you have to browse different company’s brochures, need to enquire about the company’s creditability, the most important thing you need to ask yourself about your requirements which is very important for the application of student loan consolidation. When a student applies for student loans, it is advisory to check the terms that are offered by the student loan provider. But in the student loan consolidation you don’t have to apply for different types of loan, only one will solve all your problems. You have to make one monthly loan payment every month, instead of several loan payments every month over time. This not only saves the student’s time, but keeps them relax from the tensions of paying differently on their loans.

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Student loan consolidation

Tired from paying interest on student loans every month, afraid of the deadline of paying back loans, there is a solution of your tensions, STUDENT LOAN Consolidation. In student loan consolidation, a student may enjoy many benefits; some of them are following below.

  1. lower monthly payments
  2. only one monthly payment rather than paying separately
  3. Student loan consolidation rates are very low, fixed interest rate cannot exceed 8.25% at any time, coupled with national interest rates at a 40-year low.
  4. For the application of student loan consolidation, you don’t have to offer any credit card check or processing fees.
  5. the terms and payment plans of student loan consolidation are very flexible, the provider can mode them according to your financial needs
  6. While you don't need to consolidate in order to take advantage of this one, you can knock an additional .25% off your rate by making your monthly payment electronically. This electronic debit option does more than save you money - it decreases your chances of forgetting a payment.
  7. The option to prepay your loan at any time without incurring a penalty
Sometimes a student got confused about the qualification of applying for student loan
 consolidation. But now government clears that students who are still in their grace period or 
cannot re pay their owe money on a student loans 
can qualify to get student loan consolidation or those who are still in school may consolidate
 their government-guaranteed loans
Today in the market, there are many companies offering student loans to the college students
, but when it comes to their interest rates, they are charging very high. A student 
has to pay interest on their loans, every month, which is quite impossible for some due
 to lack of money and time. When it comes time to pay back their student loans, it can be a real burden and 
a distraction from their career. For those, student loan consolidation is a best deal and step
 to follow. In this, you don’t even get low interest rates, but can enjoy other facilities including grace period of 
six to nine months, only one monthly payments, tension-free mind etc.
Due to existence of government sector, a student has an opportunity to enjoy the 
offers given by the government as they are quite competitive than private. Student loan consolidation
 rates is fixed and cant be changed after signing the contracts and whenever studen
t has graduated or ceased to be a full time student, he can also enjoy the benefit of
 grace period of six to nine months which allows him to get employed and repay their loans easily. 

Wednesday, July 24, 2013


Students are supposed to be the soft targets for all producers in the market. But still, the automobile industry which is supposed to be the widest spread industry in the whole world market has failed to capitalize on the so called softness exhibited by the students to the other products available in the market. The main reason being the huge amount of money that the students will have to invest, even though, they have no source of income against their name. However, time has changed. Now at all if any student is seeking or looking out for an easier means to buy a car, he has an available option with him. Just apply for a student car loan.
Students face a lot of problem, when they avail the services of public transportation. The use of public transport by students, to go and study, proves and comes out pretty hectic for them. But then, they have no choice as it’s usually pretty impossible on the student’s part to avail or get a new car for their transportation purpose only. However, as for now they can relax and avail the car, just by applying for a student’s car loan.
Moreover, it’s not just the capital part in which the student car loans tend to help out students. Student’s car loans have other distinct advantages too. Not only does the student car loan help out students financially, but they also contribute to the student’s credit history. If a student avails a student car loan , then ultimately his no-credit history gradually turns out to be a positive indicating one,because every payment made by the student gets reported to the credit rating agencies, and thereby adds up to the students credit rating, positively. And, thinking more practically, it eliminates all the transportation headaches that the student had to undergo, for reaching to their place of study.
Moreover, in case of a student car loan the students have to make no capital payments in the beginning to the loan lending agencies, as a car loan is actually a kind of a secured loan. This implies that the loan agencies are secured by the very fact that even if the student is not able to repay the loan, then at least they can have the car of the student back. And moreover three is no problem, even if the student has a bad credit history, as the loan agency has the car as a security to take from the defaulting student.
Thus, we see that the student car loan has made it much and more easy on the part of the students to avail a car for themselves.

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Student loan debt consolidation

Student loan debt consolidation

There’s no way around it. If you took out student loans to pay for college, you have to pay them back. That can be hard to do, whether you’re still in school, trying to start your life outside it, or even 10 years down the line. You borrowed the money, you used it, and you have to pay it back.

What happens when that means you have to choose between paying all your bills or just those? What happens when those outstanding debts get in the way of putting money together for a house, or a car, or a family? It just doesn’t make sense to walk through life incurring the debts of living while you’re still dragging around the ones from school.

Fortunately, there’s a solution. You still have to pay back what you borrowed, but with a student loan debt consolidation make monthly payments to just one lender.

Think of it as refinancing. The money you borrow from one lender pays off the money you owe to all those other lenders. No more juggling what’s due to whom and when. Not only that, the interest rate on the student loan debt consolidation is the weighted average of those other loans, making it lower overall and bringing your monthly payment down accordingly. Some student loan debt consolidations are settled at a fixed rate, so you don’t have to worry when July 1 rolls around each year that your payment will go up.

Among the student loan debt consolidation available, there are actually four different student repayment plans to research and one is bound to be just what you’re looking for.

If the idea of a fixed rate really appeals to you, consider either the Standard Repayment Plan or the Extended Repayment Plan. The Standard Repayment Plan gives you a maximum of 10 years to repay, but payments are divided within that time limit at a fixed interest rate.

Extended Repayment Plans relieve the burden of monthly payment amounts still further by stretching the time to pay off the loan to between 12 and 30 years (depending on the total amount borrowed). Again, the interest rate is fixed for that time period, and the payments are lower. Be aware that over time, you will end up paying a larger amount, but the monthly payments will be easier to bear.

The Graduated Repayment Plan also allows you to spread your monthly student load debt consolidation payments over a period of between 12 and 30 years, but in this case, the amount of your monthly payment will increase every two years.

The fourth plan appeals to a number of people because it takes into account what’s going on in your life. In the Income Contingent Repayment Plan, a reasonable monthly payment amount is determined based on your annual gross income, family size, and total direct student loan debt. Another advantage of this student loan debt consolidation repayment plan spreads the payments over 25 years.

If you’re close to the end of your student loans, consider carefully whether taking on a new loan is worth the time and effort. However, if you still have a long time to go and many payments ahead of you – and you’ve already exhausted the deferment and forbearance options on your existing loans – making a fresh start with a student loan debt consolidation may actually be to your benefit.